Updated (July 3, 2018): Final camera-ready PDFs and source documents that include the correct copyright statements and proper pagination (max. 10 pages for full papers, 4 pages for notes, work in progress, and 6 pages for workshops and tutorials, excluding references) should be submitted through PCS as soon as possible, but no later than the deadlines stated above.
Updated (July 5, 2018):
Word Templates: Proceedings Format (Papers and Notes), Extended Abstract Format (WIP and Workshops & Tutorials).
LaTeX Templates: Proceedings Format (Papers and Notes), Extended Abstract Format (WIP and Workshops & Tutorials).
NOTE: Please use the updated templates above as the ones that were listed earlier do not work with ACM 2012 CCS classifiers.
Please ensure that you only use the templates provided, and use the correct one for your submission (SIGCHI Papers and Notes for full papers and notes; SIGCHI Extended Abstracts for workshops and tutorials, and work in progress). You do not need to completely reformat your document, but may need to change a heading on page one (specifically, ACM Classification Keywords have been replaced by CCS Concepts).
Read through the ACM copyright and permissions policy to make yourself aware of any conflicts, expectations, releases, and 3rd party material information that will be needed to include certain figures, images, or other material in your submission:
After the deadline for submitting your submission metadata (Workshops and Tutorials: July 4th; Papers and Notes: July 6th; Work in Progress: August 6th), you should receive an e-mail explaining the ACM copyright procedure. Please fill out the form to receive the copyright statement details. Please refer to the confirmation message from rightsreview@acm.org upon the completion of the assigned ACM e-form for the text/to include on the bottom/left of the first page of your submission.
The title and authors’ names as they appear on the completed ACM e-form need to match the authorship and title that appears in the submission page and on the camera-ready final pdf.
Please make sure to adhere to the detailed formatting instructions on this page.
In order to avoid delaying the publication of all papers, please check and adhere to the detailed formatting instructions, to prevent additional revision cycles.
Please submit your final version through PCS (Log in, select your submission and click on “Proceedings version”). Prepare a ZIP file that includes both your Word/LaTeX source file(s) as well as the final PDF file.
File names: Please name your final files according to the following scheme:
Copyright form: All contact authors should have received an email (after you have set the meta-data) with a link to the appropriate electronic ACM copyright form. The ACM e-form usually only takes moments to complete. Please check if the title and author list on the copyright form match to your camera-ready submission and change it accordingly if necessary. The information entered in the ACM copyright system is final and must be used as is in your paper. Therefore, please ensure that it is correct and amend if necessary before submitting the copyright form.
If the contact author(s) have not received the link yet, please send an email to publications2018@auto-ui.org as soon as possible to request the link. The copyright forms should be processed by - Workshop and Tutorials: July 8th, 2018; Papers and Notes: July 18th, 2018; Work in Progress: August 8th, 2018.
Registration: At least one author needs to register for the conference (early registration!) in order for your paper to be published. Registration information will be available soon on the conference website.
Once you have submitted your final version and copyright statement, we will process your submission. You will then either receive an email telling you
(a) That everything is in order with your submission.
(b) That you must fix something before it is final. If this is the case, you will receive specific information about how to revise your submission to meet the requirements, and a new deadline will be given to submit the corrected material. You are kindly required to adhere to this NEW deadline to not delay the publication.
Please use the following checklist to prepare your camera-ready version:
Must be in Initial Caps Meaning First Letter of the Main Words Should be Made Capital Letters. Capitalize the first letter of all words except articles and conjunctions in the title. Typical exceptions are articles (a, an, the etc.), conjunctions (and, but, or, for etc.), and prepositions (of, to, in, on etc.), unless these are the first word in the title. You may use http://capitalizemytitle.com/ (‘Chicago Style’) to check your title. Make sure that it is exactly the same as on the copyright statement and in the submission system! |
Authors’ Complete Names
Make sure that every author’s name is entered correctly for spelling, accents, and the fields filled in properly for each authors’ first, middle, and last (surname/family) names. Make sure that the order and spelling are exactly the same as on the copyright statement and in the submission system! |
Every Author’s Email Address
Please enter the correct email address for all authors of your paper. Make sure that the order and spelling are exactly the same as on the copyright statement and in the submission system! |
Authors’ Affiliation Information
Make sure that every author’s affiliation is entered properly (spelling and correct affiliation name), including department or lab (if any in its appropriate field), main institution or corporate affiliation, as well as the specific location (city, state/province, and country). Make sure that the order and spelling are exactly the same as on the copyright statement and in the submission system! |
Authors are required to include a brief summary (abstract) of their work in the first section of their submission after the title, authors, and affiliation information on the first page |
Author Keywords
Please note that the Author Keywords section is mandatory to be included on the first page of your paper. Semi-colons must be used to separate keywords. Please capitalize only the first letter of the first keyword and sort your keywords alphabetically. |
ACM 2012 Classification Keywords
ACM Classification Keywords are mandatory and must be included on the first page of your submission. Have a look at: http://www.acm.org/about/class/2012 for formatting the ACM Classification Keywords. |
ACM General Terms
ACM General Terms are no longer required to be included in the ACM Digital Library. This non-mandatory section may be removed from the first page prior to submitting your final version |
Authors are strongly encouraged to include all works cited in their work/submission in a References section at the end of the paper or note. Please have a close look at the different reference types in the sample file and make sure to include the same details (e.g., DOIs, full conference names, page numbers etc.). Using Google Scholar to extract bibtex-Snippets is discouraged since it may generate incomplete and incorrect references. Similarly, the default settings of many bibliography tools (for Word) DO NOT generate the correct references. We highly encourage to use the publication details as they are provided by the original publisher (e.g., look up the BIBTEX strip for ACM publications in the ACM Digital Library). |
Page Size
The page size for this publication is US Letter (8.5×11 inches). If you use LaTeX and your normal paper format is A4, please change it accordingly |
Bad Breaks
Be sure that there are no bad page or column breaks – no widows should occur (last line of a paragraph at the top of a column). If this happens either tighten the previous column or force a line over. Section and Sub-section heads should remain with at least 2 lines of body text when near the end of a page or column. LaTeX users:Using these two lines of code with the ACM copyright/cr data coding will help reduce or eliminate the appearance of bad breaks (widows & section head breaks): \clubpenalty=10000 Word Users: To rectify this add or remove some text above –or– increase the leading between some paragraphs –or– increase/decrease the size of an image or table on the previous page. |
No Page Numbering, Headers, & Footers
Your final submission MUST NOT contain any footer or header string information at the top or bottom of each page, nor any page numbering. The submissions will be paginated in a determined order by the chairs and page numbers added to the PDF during the compiling, indexing, and pagination process. |
Third Party Material
In the event any element used in your Material contains the work of third-party individuals, please know that it is the authors’/presenters’ responsibility to secure any necessary permission and/or licenses, and the authors will provide the same permissions in writing to ACM when completing the ACM copyright form. If the copyright holder requires a citation to a copyrighted work, this is the authors’ responsibility to include the correct wording and citations to the copyrighted material in their submissions. Any material (i.e., figure, image, illustration, etc.) that you did not author/create is third party material and must be cited as such on the e-form as well as acknowledged in publication. The proper credit acknowledgement includes the source and the copyright notice within the figure captions. For more information from ACM about 3rd party material, see: http://www.acm.org/publications/third-party-material. |
Images & Figures
These are recommendations to ensure good print reproduction of your images, figures, and illustrations utilized in your submission.
Type 1 or TrueType fonts must be used. Type 3 fonts are not allowed(type 3 fonts are generated by bitmaps and therefore display poorly in PDFs). TrueType fonts are allowable, but will be tested for any problems, which may need to be rectified. |
Thumbnail Image
ACM requests a thumbnail image to identify your paper (often a representative segment of a figure in your paper) that will appear in the ACM DL only. This thumbnail image is “optional” and should be at least 72 dpi, 100 pixels wide in .jpg format (.jpg/.jpeg format ONLY). If you do submit a thumbnail image, a 20-30 word caption is needed for your thumbnail. |
Summary of Changes
Please provide a brief summary of changes you have made in preparation for final submission to address comments from the AC. There is text box provided during the submission process to do this. This summary will assist ACs in determining whether the terms of conditional acceptance have been satisfied. In case of a conditional acceptance, please provide additional details as indicated by the assigned program committee member. |
If you have any further questions about the preparation of the camera-ready version, please contact us at publications2018@auto-ui.org.