We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants. Harassment includes but is not limited to overt and/or covert acts of:
We expect all interactions between AutomotiveUI members to be respectful and constructive, including interactions during the review process, at the conference itself, and on social media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers. A response that the participant was “just joking,” or “teasing,” or being “playful,” will not be accepted.
If anyone has questions about diversity or inclusion, or if they are the witness of or subject to (potentially) unacceptable behavior, they can get in touch with our diversity and inclusion co-chair or the general chairs. If anyone has questions about accessibility issues, they should get in touch with the accessibility chairs.
We will provide further information on the accessibility of our venues on this page.
Frequently Asked Questions
The aim of the organizers of AutomotiveUI is to ensure that the conference is accessible to everyone. When you register for the conference, there will be a registration question labeled "Accessibility needs". In your response, please indicate any accessibility needs such as wheelchair access, sign language interpretation, or a guide. The Chairs will follow up with you to clarify your needs. You can contact them directly at any time by emailing accessibility@auto-ui.org.
If there is specific accessibility information you would like to see here, or if you wish to discuss any accessibility requirements, please contact our Accessibility Chairs by email: accessibility@auto-ui.org. If you run into any issues with this e-mail address (some of our colleagues are on vacation during the summer period), please e-mail the general chairs: chair@auto-ui.org.
Student volunteers will be available to assist attendees with disabilities with navigation, meal service, or other accessibility needs. If you will need volunteer assistance at the conference, please indicate this on your conference registration form.
Attendees who require personal care assistance should bring their own assistant.
The workshops and tutorials are at the “Drift 25 building”. This is a building that is used for teaching by Utrecht University. It is wheelchair accessible through a ramp or wheelchair lift. The workshops are held across various floors. Inside the building you can make use of an elevator. The inside of the rooms is typically a class set-up with moveable tables and chairs
The main conference is held at “The Munt”. This is a very spacious building. It is wheelchair accessible through ramps. All sessions are on the ground floor. The set-up is like that of a professional conference center. You can see pictures of the building on their website to get an impression: https://www.muntgebouw-utrecht.nl/
The conference dinner is held at “De Winkel van Sinkel”. This is a spacious building, which is wheelchair accessible. For wheelchair access, a ramp will be put outside.
We will make use of the 1st (upper) floor, and perhaps the ground floor (depending on number of registrations). You can get an impression of the building here: https://www.dewinkelvansinkel.nl/home.html
Other events: at the moment we are looking into organizing a conference reception. This will be at a wheelchair accessible building.
The Auto-UI Organization, ACM and SIGCHI do not issue formal invitation letters for visas to attend ACM sponsored conferences. ACM (not Auto-UI) can however issue a visa support letter. More details can be found on: https://www.auto-ui.org/19/attend/visa-support-letters/.
Please let us know during registration for the conference what your requests are. Requests that are in before August 31st 2019 through the registration system, or through e-mail to our accessibility chair (accessibility@auto-ui.org) will be processed.
All our official conference venues are wheelchair accessible. Please inform us that you are a wheelchair user through the conference registration page, so we can make the necessary arrangements.
The conference dinner (and potentially conference reception) are a walk, bus- or taxi ride away from the main conference venue (or 20 minutes walk). You can find detailed information on how to travel to the conference venue here: https://www.auto-ui.org/19/venue-and-transport/.
Please note that most bus stops are a 5 to 10 minute walk (regular to calm pace) from the conference venues. If you have a walking related accessibility issue, you can consider ordering a taxi instead.
If you want to travel by taxi, you can consider calling the “Utrecht Taxi Centrale” (or: UTC, see their Dutch website) via phone number: 0031 30 2300 400. General Chair Chris has personal experience traveling with this company when he was recovering from a leg injury. UTC can accommodate a variety of special requests. UTC typically also have taxi’s available on the “Jaarbeursplein” which is right outside the Utrecht Central (Train and bus) Station. You can also use their (unfortunately, Dutch) website to book a taxi: https://utc.nl/reserveren/.
We are not aware of any such service. However, if you are in need of a wheelchair, please let us know well in advance, and we will help you look into what your options are, but we cannot give you any guarantees. Please contact our accessibility chair.
During the workshops and tutorials, there will be ample seating available in each workshop and tutorial room.
During the main conference (in “De Munt”), all plenary sessions (keynotes, panels, paper based talks, videos) will be in one room with sufficient seating for all attendees. The work-in-progress posters, exhibits, interactive demo’s, coffee/tea breaks are organized in other rooms, which are on the same (ground) floor and which are about 2 minutes walking distance. During these session, you need to walk around to see all posters, demo’s and exhibits. There is limited seating near the poster area, which we can keep available for those with an accessibility need.
During the conference dinner, you are welcome to walk around or to sit down at a specific location.
If there is a conference reception, this will be about 1 hour and will be mostly standing.
The conference dinner (and potentially, the reception) are at a different location than the main conference, and require a bus or taxi ride.
If you want to travel by taxi, you can consider calling the “Utrecht Taxi Centrale” (or: UTC, see their Dutch website) via phone number: 0031 30 2300 400. General Chair Chris has personal experience traveling with this company when he was recovering from a leg injury.
UTC can accommodate special requests. UTC typically also have taxi’s available on the “Jaarbeursplein” which is right outside the Utrecht Central (Train and bus) Station. You can also use their (unfortunately, Dutch) website to book a taxi: https://utc.nl/reserveren/.
All official conference buildings have accessible restrooms.
As we are a smaller conference, we have not developed any explicit policy on this matter. Please contact the general chairs via chair@auto-ui.org if you are considering bringing your children to the conference, and we will see if and how we can accommodate.
es, but please let us know upfront by contacting our accessibility chair.
During all the plenary sessions (keynotes, panels, paper based talks, videos), speakers will be required to use microphones. Audience members will be requested to ask their questions via microphone. If you notice during the conference that the sound is not working properly, please let one of our student volunteers or one of the organizers know.
During the workshop and tutorial day (Sunday), we will provide coffee and tea during the breaks. Lunch needs to be arranged by participants themselves. There are a variety of options near the workshop location (which is in downtown Utrecht).
During the main conference days, we will provide coffee and tea during the breaks, and we will provide a lunch. On Tuesday, a conference dinner is arranged. We will accommodate special dietary requests that are submitted through our online registration system in a timely manner (the earlier, the better; ideally before August 31 2019).
The Dutch (also European) emergency number is 112.
If there is specific accessibility information you would like to see here, or if you wish to discuss any accessibility requirements, please contact our Accessibility Chairs by email: accessibility@auto-ui.org. If you run into any issues with this address (some of our colleagues are on vacation during the summer period), please e-mail the general chairs: chair@auto-ui.org.