

The submission deadline for abstracts was April 4th, 2019. The full paper submission deadline was April 11th, 2019.

AutomotiveUI Papers are archival publications of original research. Authors are invited to submit papers (6-10 pages) formatted in accordance with the two-column ACM SIGCHI format, with a 150-word abstract (references do not count towards the page limit). Submissions will be accepted through the Precision Conference Submission system. Authors are encouraged to submit an accompanying video. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. The work will be presented at the conference as a talk. Details about this submission category can be found at

Contact: Wendy Ju and Lewis Chuang

Important Dates

Abstracts deadline: April 4th, 2019
Submission deadline: April 11th, 2019
Decision notification: June 13th, 2019
Camera-ready version: July 11th, 2019
ConferenceSeptember 22-25, 2019

All deadlines are AoE (anywhere on earth) on the date shown.

Message from the AutomotiveUI Program Chairs

Accepted Papers may come from any area of AutomotiveUI activity.

To aid the review process, authors are requested to indicate the type of research contribution that their submission makes. We offer the following four categories:

  1. Research Methods & Simulation
  2. Design & User Experience
  3. Software & Technology
  4. User Studies & Human Factors

This information will be used to assign your submission to appropriate Associate Chairs (ACs) and reviewers.

This will diversify the types of research contributions published and recognized at Auto-UI. Acceptance is highly competitive: regardless of area, all accepted papers will score highly on innovation, contribution, and quality of thought and writing. Submit your best work!

Lewis Chuang and Wendy Ju

Further details

Prepare and Submit

Authors are invited to submit papers that are 6 - 10 pages formatted in accordance with the two-column ACM SIGCHI format. In line with many other SIGCHI conferences, references do not count towards the page limit.

  1. Template. For paper submissions, please use a SIGCHI template for papers.
  2. Originality, writing, and formatting. Your submission must be original; it cannot be published or be under concurrent review elsewhere. If you make multiple submissions to Automotive 2019 Papers, they should be distinct from each other.
  3. Relevance to Auto-UI: We expect submissions to bear relevance to the Auto-UI community and previous publications. Submissions should strive to make this explicit by referencing proceedings of previous years, which are available through the ACM digital library.
  4. Paper Length. Papers must have a length of 6 to 10 pages. Authors are encouraged to submit a paper of length proportional to its contribution. Reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a submission relative to its length, so papers with a length disproportionate to their contribution will be rejected. In exceptional cases, the authors may be requested to shorten papers for the camera ready stage. References do not count toward the mentioned length of 6-10 pages. Page length includes figures, appendices, and an abstract of 150 or less words. Submissions that exceed these limits will be rejected.
  5. Anonymization. Papers must be anonymized for blind review. We use a relaxed model that does not attempt to conceal all traces of identity from the body of the paper. However, you do need to completely remove identifying information from the title/header area of the paper, and ensure that it does not appear in the document’s meta-data. Citations to your own previous work must NOT be anonymized, so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account. We encourage authors to refer to their previous work in the third person. Further suppression of identity in the body of the paper is left to the authors’ discretion.
  6. Topics. Please have a look at the overall submission topics of Auto-UI ’19 (bottom of page) or contact the program chairs if you are unsure whether your submission fits to the conference.
  7. Guidelines. Please have a look at the following resources:
  • Prepare supplementary material (optional). Your submission may be accompanied by a short video or by other supplementary material. Video figures do not have a specified limit for duration, although we recommend staying within 5 minutes. Other supplementary material may include, for example, survey text, experimental protocols, source code, and data, all of which can help with replicability of your work. Any non-video supplementary material should be submitted as a single .zip file, including a README file with a description of the materials. Your total submission size (paper + supplementary material) must be no more than 100 MB. Since not everyone who reads a Paper will view the supplementary material, your submission must stand on its own and will be reviewed as such.
  • Previous work. In instances where your new submission builds directly on a project described in another, as-yet-unpublished paper, it is recommended that you submit an anonymized version of that other paper as supplementary material. You may choose to also include a note of explanation as to the novel contribution of the present submission. If the previous work is already published, it may simply be cited in the body of the paper as per usual, and should not be included in the supplementary materials.
  • Make your submission. Submit and resubmit your material using the Precision conference submission system ( until the submission deadline.
  • Abstract submission. Authors must submit a title and abstract one week before the submission deadline. They should also indicate the planned submission’s type of contribution.This will determine the suitable assignment of ACs.
  • Opening of submission system. The submission system will open for submissions approximately four weeks before the submission deadline.
  • Language editing. Papers should be submitted in the English language and contain no spelling or grammar errors. We recommend to have your article proofread by native speakers of English before submission. In addition, ACM has partnered with International Science Editing (ISE) to provide language editing services to ACM authors. ISE offers a comprehensive range of services for authors including standard and premium English language editing, as well as illustration and translation services, and also has significant international outreach, especially in China. Editing is available for both Word and LaTeX files. As an ACM author, you will receive a generous discount on ISE editing services. To take advantage of this partnership, visit Please note that these editing services are at the author’s expense and do not guarantee publication of a manuscript.
  • Accessibility Please make every effort to make your submission accessible
  • Travel funds. ACM offers various programs for funding of students with a limited budget. Please note that for example the SIGCHI student travel grant requires application before submission of your paper and has strict deadlines. Please also note that the travel funds are an independent process of the review process. For more information please visit
  • Review Process

    After you submit your Auto-UI 2019 Paper, it will undergo a rigorous double-blind review process. Neither the reviewers will know the names of the authors, nor will the authors know the names of the reviewers. This process is managed by the Technical Program Chairs (TPCs) and Associate Chairs (ACs) of the program committee. Confidentiality of submissions is maintained throughout the review process.

    1. After the abstract submission deadline, papers will be assigned by the TPCs to a primary and secondary Associate Chair (1AC; 2AC) based on the topic of the paper and type of research contribution.
    2. Each AC will find one external reviewer for each of their assigned papers. Thus, each paper will be assigned two ACs (one 1AC and one 2AC) along with two external reviewers. We strive to find ACs and reviewers who are experts in the topic area of each submission, based on the keywords provided as well as the type of research contribution.
    3. During the review period, external reviewers will write a review of their assigned papers and assess the contribution of the research to the field. The 2AC will also write a review of their assigned papers. Thus, each submitted paper will receive three reviews in total.
    4. After the reviews have been written, the 1AC will write a meta review of the paper that summarizes the reviews from the two external reviewers and the 2AC. In case of discrepancies, the 1AC should encourage a discussion among the reviewers. The 1AC will then present a recommendation for the paper’s acceptance or rejection to the TPCs responsible for the paper.
    5. TPCs will review the scores and meta reviews for each of their assigned papers and discuss the final acceptance of papers for inclusion in the Auto-UI 2019 program.

    All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and will be published in the ACM digital library. At the highest level, the submitted papers must present novel and interesting content that is well presented. More, specifically, reviewers should consider the following for their reviews:

    • Originality, novelty – Your primary criterion for judging a paper is: Does this submission provide a strong contribution to the field of Auto-UI? Does this submission present something new or something that has been done before but in an improved manner? Does it extend what we know?
    • Are the questions to be examined clearly stated?
    • Does the submission link to previous research to the questions examined? I.e., does it appropriately cite prior work, including relevant Auto-UI research?
    • If the research was experimental, was it rigorously and carefully done? Are there enough details so that someone else can repeat the evaluation (for instance use SAE J2944 definitions)?
    • Is the paper well written (e.g., no grammatical errors, references are formatted properly)? If writing quality is a concern, consider consulting a professional editor. (See
    • Paper length: Reviewers will be asked to judge the contribution of the paper in accordance with its length.
    • Prior publication: Content appearing at Auto-UI should be new and ground-breaking. Therefore, material that has been previously published in widely disseminated archival publications should not be republished unless the work has been significantly revised. Guidelines for determining “significance” of a revision are stated in the ACM Policy on Pre-Publication Evaluation and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions. Roughly, a significant revision would contain more than 25% new content material (i.e., material that offers new insights, new results, etc.) and significantly amplify or clarify the original material. These are subjective measures left to the interpretation and judgment of the reviewers and committee members – authors are advised to revise well beyond the policy guidelines. Also note that non-archival venues, such as workshop presentations, posters, and Auto-UI’s own Works-in-Progress / Interactive Demos do not count as prior publications. Also note that an Auto-UI paper should not be rejected on the grounds that it overlaps with work developed independently that was published after the Auto-UI submission was made, during the review period. In other words, work that authors could not have known about should not count against them.
    • Presentation format: Accepted papers will be orally presented at the conference. Authors will receive further instructions from the technical program chairs.

    Upon Acceptance of Your Submission

    Full paper authors will be notified of (conditional) acceptance or rejection on June 13, 2019. Authors of conditionally accepted submissions will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit the camera-ready version by July 11, 2019, and details on the presentation and scheduling at the conference.

    1. Upon acceptance, you will receive a (digital) copyright form, which you are required to complete. You cannot change the title of your paper after you submitted the copyright form!
    2. After the copyright form is submitted, we will provide you with the copyright information you must insert into your paper.
    3. Submit the final, camera-ready version through the submission system. Please remember to remove any page numbers for this final submission and follow the camera-ready instructions. Submission of the camera-ready version includes, and is not complete without, giving us permission to distribute your final camera-ready version as described above.
    A member of the program committee and the publication chairs will check that the final version meets the requirements for publication and, if so, will finalize the acceptance. Authors are encouraged to submit their revision earlier than the deadline, in case it is judged that the paper does not meet the committee requirements. If the authors are unable to meet these requirements by the deadline, the program chairs will be notified and may be required to remove the paper from the program.

    In order for the final version of the paper to be published in the conference proceedings, at least one author of accepted papers must register for the conference by the early registration deadline in order for the final version of the paper to be published in the conference proceedings.

    At the conference

    Authors are required to present their work in a scheduled session with other Auto-UI 2019 papers. Paper authors with accepted papers will provide a oral presentation within the main conference track.

    We expect authors to be present for the full session in which they present. Please test your presentation in advance (e.g., during the coffee breaks), and present yourself to the session chair before the start of your session.

    Papers whose authors do not present their paper may be removed from the proceedings and the digital library.

    Program Committee

    Ignacio Alvarez INTEL CORPORATION
    Martin Baumann Ulm University
    Klas Ihme  
    Vindhya Venkatraman Battelle
    Bashar Ahmad University of Cambridge
    Azra Habibovic Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE)
    Alexander Meschtscherjakov University of Salzburg
    Enrico Rukzio University of Ulm
    Wilko Heuten OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology
    Manfred Tscheligi University of Salzburg & AIT
    Shadan Sadeghian Borojeni Fraunhofer Institute
    Joonwoo Son DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology
    Thomas Franke Universität zu Lübeck
    Joonbum Lee Battelle Memorial Institute
    Gözel Shakeri University of Glasgow
    Jibo He  
    Erika Miller University of Washington
    Jing Feng NC State University
    Birsen Donmez University of Toronto
    Sven Krome Cornell Tech
    Missie Smith Oakland University
    Yeti Li University of Waterloo
    Paul Green U of Michigan
    Benjamin Reaves Ellipsis Health
    Brian Mok Stanford University
    Debargha Dey Eindhoven University of Technology
    Atiyeh Vaezipour University of Queensland
    Thomas Gable Microsoft
    Jochen Huber Synaptics
    Matthias Baldauf FHS St.Gallen
    Bastian Pfleging Eindhoven University of Technology
    Gary Burnett University of Nottingham
    David R. Large University of Nottingham
    Alexander Mirnig University of Salzburg
    Lee Skrypchuk Jaguar Land Rover
    Shannon Roberts University of Massachusetts Amherst
    Sanna Pampel University of Nottingham
    Heejin Jeong University of Illinois at Chicago
    Bryan Reimer MIT
    Peter Fröhlich AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
    Andrew Kun University of New Hampshire
    Bruce Mehler Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Winnie Chen University at Buffalo
    Ja Young Lee University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Myounghoon Jeon Virginia Tech
    Ronald Schroeter QUT
    Wayne Giang University of Florida
    Patrick Langdon University of Cambridge
    Zeljko Medenica Changan US R&D Center, Inc.
    Andreas Löcken Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt