Workshops and Tutorials


All workshops have maximum participation limits. Each attendee can sign up for two workshops. Attendees who register by Monday, August 31, 2020 will be contacted and have opportunity to prioritize the workshops they would like to attend.

AutoUI Papers are archival publications of original research. Authors are invited to submit papers formatted in accordance with new single-column ACM SIGCHI format. Submissions will be accepted through the Precision Conference Submission system. All accepted workshop proposals/descriptions will be accessible in the Adjunct Proceedings, available on the ACM Digital Library. The Publication of workshop papers and presentations will be at the organizers’ discretion.

Workshops and tutorial organizers will host/attend their sessions at the virtual conference. Prior to the conference, organizers of accepted workshops and tutorials will be encouraged to submit a short (2 minutes) pitch video, which will be made available to virtual conference attendees in advance, to entice conference attendees to sign up for their session. Through a mix of recorded videos, live sessions (Q&A, breakout sessions), and other creative means, the organizers will interact with the attendees virtually during the virtual conference.

Chairs: Shan Bao, Winnie Chen, Ian Reagan, and Jaka Sodnik


Important Dates

COVID-19 Update

Submission deadline: June 5, 2020
Decision notification: July 10, 2020
Final formatted version: July 24, 2020
Virtual workshops/tutorials: September 21-22, 2020

All deadlines are AoE (anywhere on earth) on the date shown.

What is a Workshop or Tutorial?

A workshop is a meeting to address a topic or method of common interest to a selective group of Auto-UI attendees. Typically, there is a focus on contemporary challenges. For example, previous workshops have addressed natural user interfaces, situational awareness, trust in automated driving, and the use of virtual and augmented reality in vehicle studies. You can find more detailed examples on the pages of previous years, for example workshops and tutorials in 2019 and 2018.

This year, the switch to a virtual conference will provide opportunities for workshop/tutorial organizers to think creatively on how to engage attendees virtually. Workshops and tutorials will be held in one of the three time zones ideal for our Asian, European, and North American attendees (you may propose to extend some activities to other time zones). Workshops and tutorials may include pre-recorded video presentations, interactive live sessions (breakout sessions, panel discussions, Q&A, etc.), and individual sessions (preparation, practices, and other activities conference attendees may engage in on their own). While the allocated time will be limited to one hour (for longer times, please consult the Workshop co-chairs), we encourage proposals to consider other means of engaging attendees outside of this allocated hour, as well as how they may best use the allocated hour (e.g., consider breaking down into 20 minutes sessions). 

Prior to the conference, organizers of accepted workshops and tutorials will be encouraged to submit a short (2 minutes) pitch video, which will be made available to virtual conference attendees in advance, to entice attendees to sign up for their session. Each session will be capped at 30 attendees, and will be first come first serve. 
The intent remains to develop a common understanding of research questions or methods, share different approaches to common questions, or serve to build and foster a (new) research community. Workshops can, but are not required to, include solicited position papers and presentations.

A Tutorial is a session in which specific material is taught, either by one person or several people. For example, previous tutorials have addressed automotive user design standards, ambient notification prototyping, eye-tracking and EEG methods.

In addition to individuals and groups proposing workshops and tutorials on their own initiative, the Workshop co-chairs might be able to “match make” potential contributors with similar interests. Those with ideas for such topics should contact the Workshop co-chairs directly. Preference will be given to workshop & tutorial proposals that identify new topics that have not been addressed in previous years.

Shan Bao, Winnie Chen, Ian Reagan, and Jaka Sodnik


Further details


The topic of submissions to the workshop and tutorial category must fit into the general topics and goals of the conference. In particular, we favor topics that bring together groups that are, until now, under-represented at the AutoUI conference.

The following topics are examples of topics that are typically of interest to the AutoUI community and submissions tackling these topics are especially welcome (in a random order):

  • Design Thinking and maker spaces for HMIs
  • User Evaluation and Measurements (e.g., UX, reaction times, eye-tracking)
  • User Modelling
  • Field studies (frameworks, best-practices, international issues, ethics, etc.)
  • Automotive HMI design
  • Multi-modal HMIs (incl. speech, gesture, natural interaction)
  • Simulator studies (frameworks, best-practices, scenario development, etc.)
  • Integration of personal mobile computing devices into the automotive eco-system
  • Standards, norms and guidelines for automotive user-interfaces
  • Usage and user experience aspects of autonomous driving
  • Novel information displays

Submissions Content

Submissions consist of two documents (extended abstract and short organizer/presenter biographies) uploaded to the Precision conference submission system:

A. Extended Abstract:

  • The length of each extended abstract must not exceed 2,000 words, including all main body text. Figures and tables each count as 250 words. For example, an extended abstract with 2 figures (2 x 250 = 500) should not exceed 1,500 words (i.e., 2,000 minus 500). The abstract does not count towards the overall word limit, but should be 150 words or less. References do not count towards the word limit.
  • Please use the single-column ACM SIGCHI template.
    1. Word: Write your extended abstract using the Submission Template (Review Submission Format). Follow the embedded instructions to apply the paragraph styles to your various text elements. The text is in single-column format at this stage and no additional formatting is required at this point. A video demonstration of the new template can be found here:
    2. LaTeX: Please use the latest version of the Master Article Template - LaTeX (1.71; published April 30, 2020) to create your article submission. With the “sample-sigconf.tex” template, use the “manuscript” call to create a single column format, i.e., setting \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart}. Please review the LaTeX documentation and ACM’s LaTeX best practices guide should you have any questions.

More details regarding the new ACM workflow for publications can be found here:

Proposals must contain the following:

  • Type of submission: workshop or tutorial
  • Goal and topics of the workshop and compatibility to the conference
  • Outcome of the workshop/tutorial – What will be different after the workshop/tutorial? How does this advance the state-of-the-art?
  • Tentative Schedule 
  • Biographies: Organizer(s) and presenter(s)
  • Attendance: please estimate 5 attendees or more per organizer
  • Support Requests: (furniture, power, hardware and software, etc.).

Selection Criteria

The following will be considered in selecting workshops/tutorials:

  • Topic is compatible with the conference goals;
  • A workshop – allows attendees to advance a topic of interest to AutomotiveUI attendees and to arrive at a formal statement;
  • A tutorial – educates attendees on a relevant topic (e.g., research methods, techniques, or tools);
  • Engages attendees and allows for constructive interaction;
  • Activities are feasible and appropriate for a virtual conference;
  • Completes in the time frame allowed (1 hour) and effectively utilizes that time to cover a topic in depth;
  • Likely to yield outcomes (e.g., special issues, new AutomotiveUI research track).

Selection Process

Proposals will be reviewed by two Workshop co-chairs and selected based upon their content, the organizers qualifications, and logistical constraints. Workshop co-chairs will reach out to authors of these submissions to discuss details related to virtual conference format and support.  It is our goal to support selected workshops and tutorials to achieve their respective purpose and to ensure all attendees may actively contribute to/learn from these sessions.  

Accepted workshops will be advertised with the organizers' names. Thus, we expect all organizers of accepted proposals to be present at the workshop.  In addition, we expect workshops to accept attendees commensurate with the number of organizers (approx. 5 attendees per organizer). If otherwise, please inform the workshop chairs prior to submission.


Workshop and tutorial organizers will host/attend their sessions at the virtual conference. Through a mix of recorded videos, live sessions (Q&A, breakout sessions), and other creative means, the organizers will interact with the attendees virtually during the virtual conference.  Conference organizers will attempt to accommodate workshops/tutorials in time slots that are most ideal given their time zone.