Student Volunteers


1. Please fill in the application form:

2. The SV registration will close on July 22, 2022.
3. The selected students will be notified no later than July 31, 2022.


As a Student Volunteer (SV) you will have the opportunity to be part of the team to assist AutoUI 2022 attendees. This is also an excellent opportunity to meet peers and build your network. During the conference, you will be assigned with tasks such as technical assistance with the conference platform.

Student volunteers are expected to: 

  • Help several tasks during the conference.
  • Volunteer up to 20 hours at the conference.

AutoUI 2022 will: 

  • Waive your conference registration fee.
  • Balance volunteer hours and your opportunity to participate in some conference sessions.  


July 22, 2021 Application deadline


If you have any questions regarding volunteering, you can reach the SV chairs by email: