Novel In-Vehicle Gesture Interactions: Design and Evaluation of Auditory Displays and Menu Generation Interfaces
Moustafa Tabbarah, Yusheng Cao, Ahmad Abu Shamat, Ziming Fang, Lingyu Li, and Myounghoon Jeon
It's all about you: Personalized in-Vehicle Gesture Recognition with a Time-of-Flight Camera
Guillermo Reyes, Amr Gomaa, and Michael Feld
Towards In-vehicle Driver Fainting Detection
Moritz Gebert, Fanny Kobiela, Julia Leibinger, and Hermann Mueller
AdVANcing Design: Customizing Spaces for Vanlife
Saki Suzuki, Ilan Mandel, Stacey Li, Wen-Ying Lee, Mark Colley, and Wendy Ju
Promoting Sustainable Charging Through User Interface Interventions
Alexandre Filipowicz, Nayeli Bravo, Rumen Iliev, Vikram Mohanty, Charlene Wu, and DavidShamma
A Real Bottleneck Scenario with a Wizard of Oz Automated Vehicle - Role of eHMIs
Hatice Şahin İppoliti, Angelique Daudrich, Debargha Dey, Philipp Wintersberger, ShadanSadeghian, and Susanne Boll
Do Drivers have Preconceived Ideas about an Automated Vehicle’s Driving Behaviour?
Yang Li, Yee Mun Lee, Yue Yang, Kai Tian, Michael Daly, Anthony Horrobin, Albert Solernou,and Natasha Merat
Affective Driver-Pedestrian Interaction: Exploring Driver Affective Responses Toward Pedestrian Crossing Actions Using Camera and Physiological Sensors
Shruti Rao, Sabrina Wirjopawiro, Gerard Pons Rodriguez, Thomas Röggla, Pablo Cesar, and Abdallah El Ali
Effects of Automation Transparency on Trust: Evaluating HMI in the Context of Fully Autonomous Driving
Jue Li, Yuxi He, Shuo Yin, and Long Liu
Communication of Uncertainty Information in Cooperative, Automated Driving: A Comparative Study of Different Modalities
Jakob Peintner, Carina Manger, and Andreas Riener
Speaker: Doreen Engelhardt, AUDI AG
General Chairs
Bastian Pfleging and Andreas Riener