Equity Volunteer Training Program

Building on the success of the Allyship Trainings at CHI 2019, the SIGCHI Equity Committee are now offering an Equity Volunteer Training Program for AutoUI2024 conference attendees.
The Equity Volunteer Training Program covers the basics of understanding and identifying discrimination and harassment, as well as tips for bystander intervention and conference specific resources to support and direct victims towards.
After completing the training, you will have knowledge to become an informal, knowledgeable, in-person point of contact for conference goers. As an “Equity Volunteer” you will be aware of basic inclusion, harassment and discrimination SIGCHI policies, and know more about AutoUI specific escalation pathways and safe people at AutoUI to report experiences to (i.e. IDEA chairs, CARES, etc.).
The training will last 1.5 hours and will be hosted online with live captioning. We will do two training sessions of the same content, please choose the time slot which fits you best.
If you would like to know more about this, please feel free to reach out to our DEI co-chairs (dei@auto-ui.org


There will be two training sessions held via video call including live captioning:
Session A: Monday 16th of September (20:00-21:30 CEST)
Session B: Wednesday 18th of September (10:00-11:30 CEST)