Final Submission Instructions

TAPS, Guidelines for Authors and Checklist

Final submission in ACM TAPS

For your final submission to TAPS, please prepare your submission as described in the “Guidelines for Authors” and using the provided “Checklist” (see below).

  • We use the ACM Publication System (TAPS), which is supported by an external vendor.
  • The correct template for publishing with TAPS is:
    • single-column Word Submission Template as described here or
    • single-column LaTeX template (Overleaf & LaTeX) using \documentclass[manuscript,screen]{acmart}.
  • Please make sure to use the Word/LaTeX templates linked above.
  • Important: Please make sure that you upload the final versions you accept on TAPS is also uploaded on PCS.

Final Steps

Update affiliations in PCS account (Shepherded and accepted papers: June 26th; Other tracks: TBA)
Finalize metadata and check "Meta data correct?" (Shepherded and accepted papers: June 26th; Other tracks: TBA)
Upload first version of camera-ready paper (Shepherded papers: July 3rd; other tracks: TBA)
Summarize changes in PCS (Shepherded papers: July 3rd)
Fill out e-Rights form (Shepherded and accepted papers: July 1st; Other tracks: TBA)
Update final version in PCS and TAPS (Shepherded and accepted papers: July 10th; Other tracks: TBA)
Approve final version in TAPS and upload to PCS (Shepherded and accepted papers: July 17th)
Register at least one author for the conference (by July 31st)


Steps to final Submission

  1. Completion of ACM E-rights form.
    Within the next few weeks, the submitting author will receive an email from ACM regarding bibliographic information and copyright/license. Please fill out the form linked in the email and include the appropriate information in your final version.
  2. Preparing the Sources.
    Prepare and submit the sources of the final version of your accepted contribution to PCS.
  3. Confirm your final submission in TAPS.
    Submit the sources to TAPS. Approve your final submission in TAPS (The ACM Publishing Systems). You will receive an email with separate instructions and a link to TAPS once you have completed all the previous steps. Note that as the author, you will be doing the upload yourself. The proceedings chairs ( as well as TAPS Support will be available to assist with any problems. This step must be completed by the respective Camera-Ready deadline.  

ACM e-rights

You will receive an email from the ACM e-rights system to begin the publication process for your paper. Make sure you complete the e-Rights form before you upload your final submissions.

  • The e-Rights form will only be sent to the contact author, so it is important that this person is able to respond to emails and complete the form.
  • This email will come from  Please remain alert for this email after your acceptance notification as it may be sent to spam.
  • Ensure the paper title, author’s names, and emails match exactly what you want to appear in your final publication. The information provided in your e-Rights form is used to validate the metadata of your publication source. Any mismatches could delay the publication of your paper.
  • Once you have completed this step, you will receive a confirmation via email. This confirmation contains the copyright statement for your publication, which is to be inserted into the final version you upload to PCS and TAPS in the next step.


After confirming ACM E-rights, you will receive an email asking you to release your final versions for publication. The link it contains will take you to the TAPS Author Dashboard for your submission.

  • The TAPS Author Dashboard will only be sent to the contact author, so it is important that this person is able to respond to emails and complete the form.
  • This email will come from Please remain alert for this email after you have uploaded your source, as it may be sent to spam. This may take up to two weeks to arrive, depending on the size of the conference and the processing required.
  • When you receive an email titled “PDF and HTML Proofs: available for review” please follow the link provided to access the TAPS Author Dashboard.
    • If you approve the proofs, please select the radio button for “Approve” and click “Submit.” You will see a message “Processing Complete”, and you will no longer be able to edit your submission. Your submission is complete and ready for publication in the Digital Library.
    • If you do not approve the proofs, please select the radio button for “Reject.”
    • If you would like to use support to make the changes you require, select the radio button for “Contact Support” and use the form at the bottom of the page to detail your requests.

If you would like to make changes yourself, select the radio button for “Resubmit” and click submit.  You will be required to resubmit your source in the correct format as described on the TAPS Author Dashboard.

Guidelines for Publication

Files to be Uploaded

One document has to be submitted to PCS and also to TAPS (see below).
  • Source files as <reference>-<PaperID>.zip with the following structure: <reference>-<PaperID>.zip
    • For paper submissions, please use the <reference> automotiveui24
    • for all other submission types use the <reference> automotiveui24adjunct for naming your zip-folder.
    • <PaperID> is the number of your paper in TAPS.
  • source
    • If LaTeX, your source files and folders
    • If Word, your .docx file
  • pdf
    • This should be empty, if you provide a PDF here, it will not be archived in the Digital Library.
    • Please ensure your *.zip does not include any other folders or additional levels of hierarchy not listed above.

To upload your supplementary material, please use the link provided under point 3 in the General Instruction and Information provided on the TAPS Author Dashboard.

Copyright Statement

The copyright statement will be provided to you for submission of the Camera-Ready version after the e-Rights form was submitted successfully.


Preparation of Sources

All authors should ensure that they use the format templates linked above. Make sure you follow the instructions below when preparing your final submission:

  • Use \documentclass[manuscript, screen]{acmart} for the final submission with TAPS. TAPS will then create the two-column format.
  • The PDF for ACM's digital library will be published in the two-column format. To preview it and find formatting errors, you can switch to \documentclass[sigconf,draft,screen]{acmart} which makes formatting errors visible. However, make sure that you submit your article in a single-column format!
  • Use the “ACM-Reference-Format” bibliography style.
  • Your LaTeX source must have a single “main” .tex file, although you can organize your project with a main .tex file that includes input from multiple .tex files. Please remove all samples and old tex files that include a document class.
  • Make sure you follow the instructions regarding figures, author field formatting, acknowledgments, and any other specific formatting requirements pointed out in the example file.
  • Make sure that you use only approved packages. Do not use hard-spacing commands (e.g., vspace) or packages that make major alterations to the formatting and presentation.
    Permitted packages can be found here: 
  • Ensure your source compiles without errors. Some editors, like Overleaf, will tolerate errors and generate a PDF, but this is not permissible for final publications. Please check the error log and correct all compilation errors before submitting your final source. Note: The draft option for documentclass makes formatting errors visible.
  • Ensure your bibliography compiles without warnings. Accurate bibliographies are required for publication.  If your bibliography has missing entries or other errors, your source will not be accepted for publication. Please check the warning log and correct all warnings and errors related to your bibliography before submitting your final source.
  • There are some common issues that can delay the processing of your publication.  Please check for the following in your final version:
    • Ensure elements like the title, headings, authors, acknowledgments, reference heading, and individual references are styled as described in the template.
    • If a single figure contains multiple images, these must be inserted as a single image.
    • All images/figures must be followed by a caption.
    • Provide alt text (instructions available in the template) for all figures.
    • Remove all blank lines.

Checklist for Authors for the Camera-ready Version

The following list can also be downloaded here: Checklist AutoUI 2023

Please review the following items for your final submission file and make sure you follow them. If there are any issues with your submission on some points, please contact the publication chairs (; please also include "AUTO UI CR <your Paper ID>" as the subject of the mail and include the source files of the paper.


☐ An ORCID is mandatory

Packages (LaTeX documents only)

☐ Are only packages that are whitelisted used for the work?


☐ Have the latest available templates been used? You can check that here:


☐ Is the title capitalized correctly?


☐ Are all of the authors mentioned eligible authors?

Authors must be the creator or originator of an idea and/or work

  • Authors must make a sustainable contribution to the work.
  • Authors must be accountable for the work that was done and its presentation in the publication.

Anyone listed as author on an ACM submission must meet all the following criteria:

  • They are an identifiable human being. Anonymous authorship is not permitted, although pseudonyms and/or pen names are permitted provided accurate contact information is given to ACM. ACM does not currently permit collective authorship.
  • They have made substantial intellectual contributions to some components of the original Work described in the manuscript, such as contributing to the conception, design, and analysis of the study reported on in the Work and participating in the drafting and/or revision of the manuscript.
  • They take full responsibility for all content in the published Works.

For more information on this topic, see

CCS & Keywords

☐ Are CCS concepts and keywords specified?
☐ Are the keywords separated by commas?


☐ Is the word count of the abstract less than 150 words?


Does your work contain a  copyright statement?


Are the figure captions below the figures?

☐ If subfigures are used, does each subfigure have a (short) caption?

☐ Is each figure referenced in the text?

☐ Does each figure contain a description (accessibility)? Figure descriptions are a supplement to captions and should not repeat the same information. Refer to writing figure descriptions ( for guidance.


Are the table captions above figures?

☐ Is every table referenced in the text?

☐ If the paper contains complex tables, please also include a description (see above under Figures).


☐ Are all references in your bibliography referenced in the text?

☐ Are DOIs linked for each reference when DOIs are available?


Further checks (LaTeX)

For LaTeX templates, we recommend that authors check their work for other placement errors and incorrect word or line breaks by setting the following options in their document class

\documentclass[sigconf, draft, screen]{acmart}

which enables the two-column format (sigconf) and marks parts wider than the column or text width with black boxes. If overfull boxes are displayed, please correct these parts accordingly.

! Please make sure to revert back to the former document options before you submit your work to TAPS:

\documentclass[manuscript, screen]{acmart}

as the two-column format will be auto-generated by TAPS.