Tuesday: Main Conference

Tentative program

This is the tentative program. Please check this page for changes. The main conference will take place in Paul Brest Hall, Stanford University

08:00 –  Registration Open

Location: Paul Brest Hall Entrance

Date & Location

Date: September 24th, 2024

Location: Paul Brest Hall, Stanford University,
555 Salvatierra Walk, Stanford, CA 94305

The registration desk will be at the building entrance.

08:00 - 09:00 Welcome Coffee

09:00 - 10:30 Paper Session 4: HMI Design

Session Chair: Dave Miller

A Review on the Development of In-Vehicle Human-Machine Interfaces inDriving Automation: A Design Perspective
Haoyu Dong, Tram Thi Minh Tran, Rutger Verstegen, Miguel Bruns, Marieke Martens

Steering Away from Automotive HMI De Facto Standards – The Effect on Control Discoverability
Duncan Robertson, Ellie Cox

Automated Driving System HMIs: “Clear and Unambiguous”?        
Jeroen Hogema, Ruben Post, Rutger Verstegen, Jan Souman

Bike to the Future: Designing Holistic Autonomous Vehicle-Cyclist Interfaces
Ammar Al-Taie, Graham Wilson, Thomas Goodge, Frank Pollick, Stephen Brewster

Computational Models for In-Vehicle User Interface Design: A Systematic Literature Review   
Martin Lorenz, Tiago Amorim, Debargha Dey, Mersedeh Sadeghi, Patrick Ebel

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30 Paper Session 5: Situation Awareness

Session Chair: Nicole van Nes

What Characterizes “Situations” in Situation Awareness? Findings from a Human-centered Investigation
Philipp Michael Markus Peter Asteriou, Heike Christiane Kotsios, Philipp Wintersberger

Driven to Distraction: Exploring Mind-Wandering During a Virtual Reality City Drive            
Rebecca Currano, Reinhold Bopp, Haoxiang Yang, Etienne Iliffe-Moon, Stefan Heijboer, Brian Mok, David Sirkin

Peripheral Stimuli Without Explanation Can Improve Steering Maneuvers of Human Drivers in Degraded Visual Conditions
Akira Utsumi, Hirotake Yamazoe, Tetsushi Ikeda, Yumiko Kato, Isamu Nagasawa

Designing Visual Signals to Support Situation Awareness Recovery in Conditional Automated Driving   
Okkeun Lee, Rebecca Currano, Dave Miller, Hyochang Kim, David Sirkin

Modeling Social Situation Awareness in Driving Interactions            
Navit Klein, Hauke Sandhaus, David Goedicke, Avi Parush, Wendy Ju

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch

Lunch provided at Paul Brest Hall Courtyard

14:00 - 15:00 Sustainability Panel

Moderator: Adam Langton
 Henritte Cornet, Peggy Wang, Jiayu Wu
Details Here

15:00 - 15:30 Video Session

Smooth Rides Ahead: Integrating Chauffeur Driving Styles into HAVs
Stefanie Elisabeth Horn, Ruth Madigan, Michael Schulz, Andreas Schultz, Philipp Alt, Natasha Merat

How Can We Facilitate More Comfortable Rest in Autonomous Vehicles?
Youngki Kim, Jiho Kim, Hanuk Lee, Dokshin Lim

Design Proposal for Shared Community Service Using the Purpose-built Vehicle “Dorim”
Hwigu Yu, Daeyeon Kim, Seoyoun Choi, Dokshin Lim

Dynamic Interior Light: Laser-Based Dynamic Projection Mapping for Vehicle Interior Illumination and Interaction
Julian Eichhorn, Francesco Mantovani, Daniel Grein, Brian Mok

Multimodal Feedback for Effective Takeover in Automated Vehicles for Hearing Impairment
Aries Chu, Wei-Hsiang Lo, Gaojian Huang

The role of Explainable AI in the Design of Visual Texts for Trust Calibration in Level 3 Automated Vehicles
Diah Ayu Irawati, Elif Bölükbaşı, Michael Gerber, Andreas Riener

Impact of Infotainment System Complexity on Driver Situation Awareness in Manual Vehicles
Elif Bölükbaşı, Diah Ayu Irawati, Michael Gerber, Andreas Riener

I Don’t Know What Happens, But… Do I Really Need that Explanation?
Manhua Wang, Myounghoon Jeon

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00 Paper Session 6: Micromobility

Session Chair: Patrick Ebel

When the E-bike Takes Over: Speed Precision and Perception of Cruise Control for Cyclists
Maximilian Schrapel, Thomas Graf, Domenico Mario Zappalà, Claudia Campolo, Antonella Molinaro, Alexey Vinel

Development and Evaluation of Advanced Cyclist Assistance Systems on a Bicycle Simulator    
Yu Wang, Sonja Dorfbauer, Linda van der Spaa, Alexander Mirnig, Florian Michahelles, Philipp Wintersberger

Can we enhance prosocial behavior? Using post-ride feedback to improve micromobility interactions   
Sidney Scott-Sharoni, Shashank Mehrotra, Kevin Salubre, Miao Song, Teruhisa Misu, Kumar Akash

17:00 - 18:30: Poster and Demo Session 2


Explaining Away Control: Exploring the Relationship between Explainable AI and Passengers' Desire for Control in Automated Vehicles
Jakob Peintner, Carina Manger, Melanie Berger, Andreas Riener

Trust in Driverless Service Mobility: Communication Methods for Pedestrian Crossing on Residential Narrow Roads
Jieun Lee, Tatsuru Daimon

Be Here Now: Development and Evaluation of Scalable eHMIs to Enhance the Attention, Perception, and Safety of Inattentive Pedestrians through Targeted Communication in Complex Traffic Scenarios
Tilak Kamkar, Andreas Riener

Creative Commuter: Towards Designing Moments for Idea Generation and Incubation during the Commute
Pablo Paredes Castro, Matthew Hong, Shabnam Hakimi, Matthew Klenk

Acceleration instead of Speed: Acceleration Visual Cues in VR for Reduced Motion Sickness in Linear Motion
Zhanyan Qiu, Mark McGill, Katharina Margareta Theresa Pöhlmann, Stephen Anthony Brewster

Mapping Pedestrian-to-Driver Gestures: Implications for Autonomous Vehicle Bidirectional Interaction
Tram Thi Minh Tran, Xinyan Yu, Yiyuan Wang, Callum Parker, Martin Tomitsch

Pipeline for Text-to-Image Panoramic Road Scene Generation and Evaluation
Ryan Sim, Pai Chet Ng, Kan Chen, Jeannie Su Ann Lee

Short Assessment of Voice Assistants Scale (SAVAS): A Screening Instrument for Human-Technology Interaction Assessment
Denise Sogemeier, Sarah Mandl, Ann-Christin Hensch Chemnitz, Yannick Forster, Anja Strobel

A User-Centred Representation of Battery Health in Electric Vehicles
Natthamon Pongchanchai, Liina Tumma, Micaela Nilsson, Mohammad Obaid

Examining the Impact of Driving Styles of Automated Vehicles and Human Drivers on Driving Behavior: A Driving Simulator Study
Yutong Zhang, Bowen Ye, Danneil Mubbala, Na Du

Illuminating Safety: Can Light Cues Enhance Situation Awareness During Take-Overs in Conditional Automated Driving?
Kerstin Kuhlmann, Maximilian Borowy, Mark Vollrath

Physiological Measurements in Automated Vehicle-Pedestrian Research: Review and Future Opportunities
Yiyuan Wang, Tram Thi Minh Tran, Martin Tomitsch

CARSI II: A Context-Driven Intelligent User Interface
Marco Wiedner, Sreerag Naveenachandran, Philipp Hallgarten, Satiyabooshan Murugaboopathy, Emilio Frazzoli

From Warnings to Workload: The Impact of Driver Monitoring System Warnings on Drivers’ Self-Reported Workload
Ina Marie Koniakowsky, Sara Jimenez, Yannick Forster, Andreas Keinath

A Simulator Study on the Driver Failure and Traffic Conflict in Lane Change Situation on 2+1 Road
Sara Hong, Carl Johnsson, Carmelo D'Agostino, Ji Hyun Yang

Interplay of Gender and Anthropomorphism in Shaping Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicles
Seungcheol Austin Lee, Sookyung Cho

Transforming Pedestrian and Autonomous Vehicles Interactions in Shared Spaces: A Think-Tank Study on Exploring Human-Centric Designs
Vishal Chauhan, Anubhav Anubhav, Chia-Ming Chang, Jin Nakazato, Ehsan Javanmardi, Alex Orsholits, Takeo Igarashi, Kantaro Fujiwara, Manabu Tsukada

Optimizing In-Cabin Communication and User Experience in Future Vehicles through Dynamic Expressive Interior Lighting
Mohamed Abd El Ghani, Nadia Berthouze, Aneesha Singh

Five Years of Automated Shuttles: Surveying Community Experiences and Road Conflicts for Future Development
My Weidel, Hatice Şahin İppoliti


Virtual Reality for Vehicle Passengers: Using Perceptual Manipulation for Unbounded Motion-Based Experiences
Graham Wilson, Katharina Margareta Theresa Pöhlmann, Zhanyan Qiu, Mark McGill, Stephen Anthony Brewster

Leveraging stencils and capacitive touch devices to iterate in-cabin UIs
Scott Carter, Monica Van, Jonathan Yao, Alexandre Filipowicz

GrokWalks: A Portable Virtual Reality Platform to Facilitate Studying Driver-Pedestrian Interactions
Debargha Dey, David Goedicke, Chishang Yang, David Sirkin, Rebecca Currano, Wendy Ju


19:00 - 22:00 Conference Banquet Sponsored by BMW Group

Location: True Foods Kitchen, Palo Alto
Directions Here