Wednesday: Main Conference

Tentative program

This is the tentative program. Please check this page for changes. The main conference will take place in Paul Brest Hall, Stanford University

08:00 –  Registration Open

Location: Paul Brest Hall Entrance

Date & Location

Date: September 25th, 2024

Location: Paul Brest Hall, Stanford University,
555 Salvatierra Walk, Stanford, CA 94305

The registration desk will be at the building entrance.

08:00 - 09:00 Welcome Coffee

09:00 - 10:30 Paper Session 7: Communication

Session Chair: Paul Schmitt

Shrinkable Arm-based eHMI on Autonomous Delivery Vehicle for Effective Communication with Other Road Users
Xinyue Gui, Mikiya Kusunoki, Bofei Huang, Stela Hanbyeol Seo, Chia-Ming Chang, Haoran Xie, Manabu Tsukada, Takeo Igarashi

Honkable Gestalts: Why Autonomous Vehicles Get Honked At       
Sergio Passero, Hannah Pelikan, Mathias Broth, Barry Brown

The Prevalence of Automated Vehicles (with eHMIs) May Influence Pedestrian Vehicle Interactions         
Daniel Eisele, Carla Bernadette Bubeck, Matthias Rudolf, Tibor Petzoldt

‘Talking with your Car’ :Design of Human-Centered Conversational AI in Autonomous Vehicles
Akshay Rege, Rebecca Currano, David Sirkin, Euiyoung Kim

Exploring Passenger-Automated Vehicle Negotiation Utilizing Large Language Models for Natural Interaction   
Annika Stampf, Mark Colley, Bettina Girst, Enrico Rukzio

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:00 Closing Keynote

What We Talk About When We Talk About Cars
Barbara Karanian, Jonathan Summers
Details Here

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch & Townhall

Lunch provided at Paul Brest Hall Courtyard
Townhall inside Paul Brest Hall

13:30 - 15:00 Paper Session 8: Prosociality

Session Chair: Hatice Şahin İppoliti

Steering Towards Safety: Evaluating Signaling Gestures for an Embodied Driver Guide
Jonna Häkkilä, Siiri Paananen, Jemina Colley, Emma Kirjavainen, Juri Etto

How do Automated Vehicles Influence Other Road Users and Sometimes Elicit Uncivil Behaviors?            
Jean-Baptiste Haué, Gaëtan Merlhiot

The Significance of the Bystander Effect on Personal Responsibility in Critical Situations in Shared Automated Vehicles
Bengt Escher, Jakob Peintner, Andreas Riener

Prosociality Matters: How Does Prosocial Behavior in Interdependent Situations Influence the Well-being and Cognition of Road Users?   
Sooyeon Kim, Shashank Mehrotra, Kumar Akash, Teruhisa Misu, John Lee

Driven by Motivation: Understanding Perceived Mobility Need Satisfaction in On-Demand Ridepooling            
Marthe Gruner, Tim Schrills, Michelle Wrage, Marvin Sieger, Thomas Franke

15:00 - 15:30 Closing Ceremony Sponsored by CARIAD

Closing by General Chairs
Wendy Ju, Brian Mok