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Following the first two successful conferences on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications we are proud to announce a call for papers on this topic for a Theme issue of the Springer Journal on Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
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Submission of Poster Presentation

We would like to invite you to submit abstracts for poster presentation at the conference. Posters will have 1 page abstracts that will appear in the adjunct proceedings and will have prime visibility at the conference. The adjunct proceedings will be published on the conference website. The posters will be displayed at all the coffee breaks during the conference, and authors of posters will have 1 minute to introduce their poster to the conference audience.

Poster abstract submission details

Please format your abstract according to the ACM SIG Format templates
Submission should be 1 page and in camera ready format including the authors names and copyright statement:

      Copyright held by author(s)
      AutomotiveUI'10, November 11-12, 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
      Adjunct Proceedings.

The abstracts for posters should be in PDF format and the file should not be larger than 2 MB. Submission should be sent to

Review process and deadlines

The poster submission will be possible till October 15, 2010. The submitted abstracts for posters will be reviewed continuously and authors will receive a notification within two weeks after their submission. The reviews that will be provided for the 1 page abstracts are only a rating (strong reject, weak reject, weak accept, strong accept) from 3 expert reviewers. The review criteria for posters are: novelty of the presented idea/concept, scientific value of the contribution, and fit to the conference topic.

Submission for Papers and Notes

The review process for Papers and Notes is completed and no further submissions in this categories can be accepted. Please have a look at the conference program to see the accepted papers. The poster submission is still open.

Authors are invited to submit papers that are 2, 4 or 8 pages long, formatted to follow the two column ACM SIGCHI format. We are happy to consider a variety of styles for inclusion in the proceedings, such as academic papers, design sketches, interaction concepts, and industrial case studies. The papers will be selected in a peer-review process. All accepted submissions will be included in the conference proceedings.

Please format your paper according to the ACM SIG Format templates
Submission need not to be anonymous.

For submission please use the AutomotiveUI electronic submission of the EDAS system.
Please register with the EDAS system or use your existing EDAS account and then submit your paper. On the first page you need to provide information about you, the title and abstract, and you have to select keywords/topics. The selection will be used to match papers to reviews so make sure to select a set that describes your paper best.

At the conference the work will be presented in talks, posters, or interactive demos. For 8 page papers the default presentation format is a talk, for 2 page papers the default is a posters, for 4 page papers the authors will be able to specify their preferred format for presenting the work. For all accepted contributions accompanying demos or vides are encouraged.

In case of acceptance, at least one author must register before the early registration deadline for the conference in order for the final paper version to be published in the conference proceedings.