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Camera-ready Instructions for Full and Short Papers

Here are the final details on the camera-ready submission of your accepted paper/note at AutomotiveUI ‘12. If you have any questions about the preparation of the camera-ready version, please direct an email to

Deadline for submitting the camera-ready version by email: August 24, 2012

Send your final version to:

General formatting instructions and templates:

  • For latest news please check this web page!
  • Camera-ready PDFs including the correct copyright statement and proper pagination (8 pages for full papers, 4 pages for short papers) should be sent to as soon as possible but no later than August 24th, 2012.
  • MS Word template: .doc
  • LaTeX class file: .cls
  • Please use the following LaTeX code to generate the copyright statement:
    % AutomotiveUI'12 copyright statement (ACM):
    \toappear{Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.\\ \textit{AutomotiveUI'12}, October 17-19, Portsmouth, NH, USA.\\ Copyright (c) 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1751-1/12/10 ... \$15.00}
  • Please adhere to the detailed formatting instructions.

Submission information

  • In order to not delaying the publication of all papers, please check and adhere to the detailed formatting instructions to prevent additional revision cycles.
  • Please send your final PDF to:
  • File names: Please name your final files according to the following scheme:
    • Paper/note PDF: <firstauthor_lastname>-<submission_id>.pdf
    • Thumbnail: <firstauthor_lastname>-<submission_id>.jpg (optional, see detailed formatting instructions)
  • Plain text information to be included in your email (Please copy&paste from the source document, not from your PDF file!):
    • SubmissionId: Please use the submission ID that was assigned by the submission system!
    • Title - Copy & Paste the title from your source file into the body of your email
    • Authors' Complete Names, Email, Affiliation, & Affiliation Location
    • Abstract: Copy & paste the abstract text from your source document into the body of your email.
    • Author Keywords: Copy & paste the author keywords from your source document into the body of your email. Author keywords/terms must be separated with semi-colons.
    • ACM Classification Keywords: Copy & paste the author keywords from your source document into the body of your email. Have a look at for formatting the ACM Classification Keywords.
    • ACM General Terms (optional)
    • Plain-text references: ACM would like to collect the references/citations used within your paper in straight text (.txt with no coding).
    • Thumbnail Image Caption: A 20-30 word caption is mandatory if you submit a .jpg/.jpeg thumbnail image.

Submission email template

You may use the following template for your submission mail:

Subject: Camera-ready submission for AutomotiveUI’ 2012, submission <ID of your submission>

SubmissionID: <ID of your submission>
Title: <Title of your paper/note>

Author1: <Full name of author 1, email, affiliation, affiliation location>
Author2: <Full name of author 2, email, affiliation, affiliation location>
Author3: <Full name of author 3, email, affiliation, affiliation location>
Author4: <Full name of author 4, email, affiliation, affiliation location>

<Your abstract>

Author Keywords: <Your keywords>
ACM Classification Keywords: <Your selected ACM classification keywords>
ACM General Terms: <Your ACM general terms (optional, use “none” if empty)>

Thumbnail Caption:
<Your thumbnail image caption (optional, use “none” if empty)>

Plain-text references:
<Your plain-text references>

Additional steps:

  • Copyright form: All contact authors should have received an email with a link to the appropriate electronic ACM copyright form. The ACM eform usually only takes moments to complete. Please check if the title and author list on the copyright form match to your camera-ready submission and change it accordingly if necessary.
    If the contact author(s) have not received the link yet, please send an email to as soon as possible to request the link.
    The copyright forms should be processed by August 24, 2012.
  • Registration: At least one author needs to register for the conference (early registration!) in order for your paper to be published. Registration information is available at the conference website at Early registration is possible until September 26, 2012 (11:59PM PST).
  • Once you submitted your final version and copyright statement, we will process your submission. You will then either receive an email telling you
    (a) That everything is in order with your submission.
    (b) That you must fix something before it is final. If this is the case, you will receive specific information about how to revise your submission to meet the requirements, and a new deadline will be given to submit the corrected material. You are required by the AutomotiveUI'12 chairs to adhere to this NEW deadline to not delay the publication.

Detailed formatting instructions and information to be included within your submission:

Please have a look at the Author's Guidelines to Preparing ACM SIG Proceedings as well!


Must be in Initial Caps Meaning First Letter of the Main Words Should be Made Capital Letters.
Capitalize the first letter of main words in the Title, except a, an, the, conjunctions (and, but, or, for,…), & prepositions (of, to, in, on,…)

Authors' Complete Names

Make sure that every author’s name is entered correctly for spelling, accents, and the fields filled in properly for each authors' first, middle, and last (surname/family) names.

Every Author’s Email Address

Please enter the correct email address for every/all authors of your paper.

Authors’ Affiliation Information

Make sure that every author’s affiliation is entered properly (spelling and correct affiliation name), including department or lab (if any in its appropriate field), main institution or corporate affiliation, as well as the specific location (city, state/province, and country).


Authors are strongly encouraged to include a brief summary (abstract) of their work in the first section of their submission after the title, authors, and affiliation information on the first page

Author Keywords

Please note that the Author Keywords section is mandatory to be included on the first page of your paper. Semi-colons must be used to separate keywords. Please capitalize only the first letter of the first keyword and sort your keywords alphabetically.

ACM Classification Keywords

ACM Classification Keywords are mandatory to be included on the first page of your submission. Have a look at for formatting the ACM Classification Keywords

ACM General Terms

ACM General Terms (see are no longer required to be included in the ACM Digital Library. This non-mandatory section may be removed from the first page prior to submitting your final version


Authors are strongly encouraged to include all works cited in their work/submission in a References section at the end of the paper or note.



Page Size

The page size for this publication is US Letter Portrait (8-1/2x11 inches).

Bad Breaks

Be sure that there are no bad page or column breaks - no widows should occur (last line of a paragraph at the top of a column). If this happens either tighten the previous column or force a line over.

Section and Sub-section heads should remain with at least 2 lines of body text when near the end of a page or column.

No Page Numbering, Headers, & Footers

Your final submission MUST NOT contain any footer or header string information at the top or bottom of each page, nor any page numbering. The submissions will be paginated in a determined order by the chairs and page numbers added to the PDF during the compiling, indexing, and pagination process

Third Party Material

In the event any element used in your Material contains the work of third-party individuals, please know that it is the authors’/presenters’ responsibility to secure any necessary permission and/or licenses, and the authors will provide the same permissions in writing to ACM when completing the ACM copyright form.
If the copyright holder requires a citation to a copyrighted work, this is the authors’ responsibility to include the correct wording and citations to the copyrighted material in their submissions. Any material (i.e., figure, image, illustration, etc.) that you did not author/create is third party material and must be cited as such on the e-form as well as acknowledged in publication.
The proper credit acknowledgement includes the source and the copyright notice within the figure captions. For more information from ACM about 3rd party material, see:

Images & Figures

These are recommendations to ensure good print reproduction of your images, figures, and illustrations utilized in your submission.

  • Colors and Black & White (Gray Scale) Print Testing. If you have any images in color, please print your paper out in black and white to ensure that the tones and screens used in your images or figures reproduce well in black and white, too. However, your images will appear in full color in the distributed electronic proceedings and in the ACM digital library.
  • Resolution & CMYK: We recommend images to be at least 300 or 600 dpi for quality reproduction and saved as .tif images. When creating or revising your images for inclusion in the paper, please be sure you choose CYMK and not RGB (as the color profile choice).
  • TIF (EPS) vs. JPG (JPEG) images: TIFs are preferred for press applications where quality takes priority over file size.
  • Rules/Lines: Rules used in your graphs, tables or charts must be at least 0.5+ pt. and black for quality reproduction. Finer lines and points than this will not reproduce well, even if you can see them on your laser printed hardcopy when checked -- your laser printers have a far lower resolution than the imagesetters that will be used.
  • Fonts: If your figure uses custom or any non-standard font, the characters may appear differently when printed in the proceedings. Remember to check your figure creation to ensure that all fonts are embedded or included in the figure correctly. Be sure that your images do not contain any Type 3 fonts.
  • Transparencies: If a figure or image is assembled from multiple images, the images must be embedded, layers flattened or grouped together properly in the file, not lined. Transparencies need to be flattened

Type 1 or TrueType fonts must be used. Type 3 fonts are not allowed. TrueType fonts are allowable, but will be tested for any problems, which may need to be rectified. For help on obtaining the correct type of fonts, have a look at the ACM FAQ list:
All fonts MUST be embedded within the PDF file.
Any PDF that is not deposited with fonts embedded will need to be corrected. In order to help you through this process, ACM has created documentation on how to embed your fonts: Please download the ACM Digital Library optimal distiller settings file:

Thumbnail Image

ACM requests a thumbnail image to identify your paper (often a representative segment of a figure in your paper) that will appear in the ACM DL only. This thumbnail image is "optional" and should be at least 72 dpi, 100 pixels wide in .jpg format (.jpg/.jpeg format ONLY). If you do submit a thumbnail image, a 20-30 word caption is needed for your thumbnail.