AutomotiveUI Papers are refereed publications of original research on interface use, product evaluation, theories of human interaction, the adoption of new technology, or aspects of driver interfaces relevant to this conference. AutomotiveUI Papers are read and cited worldwide and have a broad impact on the development of theory, method, and practice in this domain.
Authors must present accepted Papers at the AutomotiveUI conference. Accepted manuscripts appear in the AutomotiveUI Proceedings, which is listed in the ACM Digital Library. The ACM Digital Library includes a mechanism to enable authors to provide perpetual free public access to their papers. See below for details.
Accepted Papers may come from any area of AutomotiveUI activity: academia or industry; science, engineering, or craft; analysis or design. Acceptance is highly competitive: all accepted Papers will score highly on innovation, contribution, and quality of thought and writing. Submit your best work!
Bruce Walker and Peter Fröhlich
Submission Types
Conference Topics
include, but are not limited to: